Microsoft Azure

Export the list of user in Azure with their respective permissions on resources Groups as csv via PowerShell command

Export the list of user in Azure with their respective permissions on resources Groups as csv via PowerShell command

Here is a handy script to export the list of user in Azure with their respective permissions on resources Groups as csv file via PowerShell command

Get-AzResourceGroup| foreach-object {
$ResourceGroupName = $_.ResourceGroupName
Get-AzRoleAssignment | Select-Object DisplayName,RoleAssignmentID,@{Name = "ResourceGroup Name"; Expression = { (Get-AzResourceGroup $ResourceGroupName).ResourceGroupName}} ,Scope,RoleDefinitionName,@{name="SubscriptionName";expression = {$Name}},ObjectType | Sort-Object DisplayName 
}-OutVariable azusers
$azusers | Export-CSV UserList.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 

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